Quick post today, I have lots to do, but wanted to pass along this awesome website I am following. My cousin actually told me about it, but it was a while before I actually went to it. Wish I would have gone sooner!
The web site is called The Frugal Girls.com and they are GREAT!! They are constantly posting money-saving coupons, freebies, special deals, free ebooks (which I LOVE for my Kindle- that will be another post though). Of course not every post will be applicable to you, but I have found lots of good coupons, tips and tons of free ebooks. You can also follow them on facebook here. They may post a few things a day, but they are always short and have never seemed to muddle up my news feed aka, it's never annoyed me- esp since I've found a lot of great deals there!
I will never claim to be the perfect wife, mother, or friend. In an effort to find my inner-Donna Reed, I have discovered some great tips and tricks from friends, family, websites, and happy coincidences. I share them here because these are places, tips, products that have worked for me and my family. They may or may not work for you. Please use your own judgement as to whether it is right for you or your family.
Proverbs 1:8 "Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching"
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