Whenever a friend of mine has a baby I always like to bring them a meal when they are home and accepting visitors. It's just one less thing to worry about as you acclimate to your new life and schedule. It's hard enough trying to find time to even shower with a brand new baby in the house, especially if you have other children, let alone trying to find the block of time and energy needed to cook a homemade meal. The meal is not only helpful to the mom, I do it for the dad as well. If the new mommy is lucky enough to have a husband like mine who would take over/do the cooking while the family adjusts, it's nice for the dad to not have to worry about meals either and just focus on his expanded family.
I belong to an amazing church and over the past couple years have come into a circle of amazing friends who are also amazing mothers. When I had Aiden, these fantastic ladies arranged for meals to be brought to me when we got home. People volunteered and one lady coordinated everything and we had meals brought to us every night for over a week. And these meals were sooo yummy! (isn't food you don't have to cook always just a little more yummy anyway? I think so!). These women truly loved on us and their kindness was such a blessing!
Recently, maybe even when I was on Facebook, I came across a website called TakeThemAMeal that is a free site that does all the arranging and coordinating for you!! The site allows you to enter in the new mommy's name and info as well as a place to give meal delivery instructions including what foods they like or dislike. Then you pick a start and end date for the deliveries. Next, the person who created the page for the new mommy simply email invites anyone interested in delivering a meal to view the page. When you are invited to view the page/sign up for a delivery date, you do not have to sign up for anything, you don't get anything sent to you, all the invite is is a link to the page along with the password needed to view the page (it's kept private to protect the family's info). Then, if that invited person so chooses, they pick which date they would like to bring a meal on and there's even space to list what you might be bringing- which is great when trying to decide which meal to make. That way you don't end up with 8 spaghetti dishes. Before this site, it was up to the person coordinating deliveries to assign people dates and help clarify who was bringing what. But with TakeThemAMeal.com, the coordinator spends literally 20 minutes filling in info on a page and sends out an email and the coordinator is done. People sign up on their own and contact the recipient family directly to confirm delivery times.
I am currently doing this for two mommies (sisters actually, due with baby #3 and #1 respectively!). I am in love with this website!!
So please, if you know any expecting mommies, BRING THEM A MEAL!! Even if you don't have time to cook, or don't enjoy it, bring them a pizza from their favorite place, or pick up a lasagna from your grocery store that they can heat up. If you're a parent, you know how amazing the gift of a meal is.
THIS SITE IS NOT SOLELY FOR NEW PARENTS!! This site is simply a meal delivery coordinating site. If you know of anyone who is ill, bedridden, elderly, or simply going through a time when having meals brought to them would be beneficial, this site is what you need. You can even set it up so meals can be brought multiple times a day!
What kind of meal would you bring to a new mommy/daddy?
I will never claim to be the perfect wife, mother, or friend. In an effort to find my inner-Donna Reed, I have discovered some great tips and tricks from friends, family, websites, and happy coincidences. I share them here because these are places, tips, products that have worked for me and my family. They may or may not work for you. Please use your own judgement as to whether it is right for you or your family.
Proverbs 1:8 "Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching"
Tuesday, August 30, 2011
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Baby Greeting from the President
For all you new parents out there, would you like the President to send you/your baby a personal congratulations? All you have to do is send a birth announcement (either one you sent when your child was born, or a simple letter) with your child's name, address and birthday to:
White House Greetings Office Room 39
Washington, DC 20500
Or FAX to: 202-395-1232
Washington, DC 20500
Or FAX to: 202-395-1232
I first heard about this from this web site and I did this for both of my children. You get a nice card from the White House! It's a very cool keepsake for the baby book. Now I know not everyone may be politically aligned with the current president, but you can't change which President is in office (once they're in office) when your child is born, so why not at least get something cool and free LOL!!
I don't have a picture of either of mine off hand but here is what one looks like. This pic I found online and is actually a marriage congratulatory message, but the birth ones look almost the same. Your greeting will of course have the current President and First Lady on it:
![]() |
[source] |
Sunday, August 21, 2011
Our family LOVES popcorn. "REAL" popcorn is made on the stove, in a pan, with lots of butter and salt :) But when you don't have the time (or if you're like me and don't have a good popcorn pan) it's always nice to have microwave popcorn on hand. The problem for me is 1) it's costs a lot when you look at the ingredients and 2) I HATE that oily coating in your mouth from all that artificial stuff. Plus all the butter on "real" popcorn, and all the artificial and unhealthy ingredients in most microwave popcorn just leaves me feeling guilty and sometimes with an upset stomach afterwards.
Then, one day I saw on Food Network's show "Good Eats" that you could very easily make your own microwave popcorn at home. Alton Brown, the host, discusses it here [I left out the jalapeno seasoning, but add your own- experiment!] It's quick and easy and cheap!
1 lunch size brown paper bag
1 paper plate (or other microwavable plate, but I find paper works best)
1/4 c yellow popcorn kernels (white work ok, but aren't as big and fluffy as yellow)
2 Tbs olive/canola oil
salt (or seasoning of your choice, I love Lawry's seasoning salt)
stapler [yes, trust me, it will be fine!!]
1. Place popcorn into the bag, add oil, shake slightly to coat.
2. Add in your seasoning- more than you would expect as a lot will stick to the bag- and shake again slightly to distribute salt/seasoning. [Adding your seasoning now will make it stick to the popcorn during cooking as afterwards your popcorn will be too dry for seasoning to stick. Yes, you could add butter if you want, but I like that this is healthier!!]
3. Fold over the top of the bag 1" and staple twice.
4. Place bag on the paper plate (I lay the bag on it's side) and microwave for 2-3 minutes. Mine is done in 2, but just like all microwaves will vary, just listen for the popping to slow down but not to stop completely.
5. Open CAREFULLY!! It will be very hot and steamy!
6. Pour into a bowl and enjoy!
Once you try this recipe, I don't see how you can go back to store-bought microwave popcorn again!! And this recipe leaves lots of room for experimenting with flavors. You could even use all organic ingredients. If you are like our family, movie night will take multiple bags ♥
I dare you to try it!! Tell me what you think!
Then, one day I saw on Food Network's show "Good Eats" that you could very easily make your own microwave popcorn at home. Alton Brown, the host, discusses it here [I left out the jalapeno seasoning, but add your own- experiment!] It's quick and easy and cheap!
1 lunch size brown paper bag
1 paper plate (or other microwavable plate, but I find paper works best)
1/4 c yellow popcorn kernels (white work ok, but aren't as big and fluffy as yellow)
2 Tbs olive/canola oil
salt (or seasoning of your choice, I love Lawry's seasoning salt)
stapler [yes, trust me, it will be fine!!]
1. Place popcorn into the bag, add oil, shake slightly to coat.
2. Add in your seasoning- more than you would expect as a lot will stick to the bag- and shake again slightly to distribute salt/seasoning. [Adding your seasoning now will make it stick to the popcorn during cooking as afterwards your popcorn will be too dry for seasoning to stick. Yes, you could add butter if you want, but I like that this is healthier!!]
3. Fold over the top of the bag 1" and staple twice.
4. Place bag on the paper plate (I lay the bag on it's side) and microwave for 2-3 minutes. Mine is done in 2, but just like all microwaves will vary, just listen for the popping to slow down but not to stop completely.
5. Open CAREFULLY!! It will be very hot and steamy!
6. Pour into a bowl and enjoy!
Once you try this recipe, I don't see how you can go back to store-bought microwave popcorn again!! And this recipe leaves lots of room for experimenting with flavors. You could even use all organic ingredients. If you are like our family, movie night will take multiple bags ♥
I dare you to try it!! Tell me what you think!
Wednesday, August 17, 2011
Target REDCard
Here is my shameless plug for the Target REDcard. If you are like me and shop often at Target, you may want to look into their REDcard if you have not already! It is available in a debit card (it links directly to your bank account just like a normal debit card, for use ONLY at Target, no fees attached) or a credit card. I chose the debit card as I did not want a credit card- but that is my personal choice.
When you use your REDcard you automatically get 5% off your purchase= FREE money (as long as it's the debit card or you are paying your credit card balance off and not incurring interest). PLUS, you can designate a local school (or I guess any school on the list) to receive 1% donation from your purchases. My daughter's school was on the list so now for everything I buy using my REDcard debit card, I get 5% off and her school gets 1%. [This donation is NOT tax deductible btw]
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read ANY and ALL information before you sign up for this or any debit or credit card. Read the fine print! See what they say about overdrafts, fees, interest rates etc. Make sure you really want this and it's right for your family. I did my research and found this would be beneficial for us, and that is why I am sharing because maybe it can help save you some money too.
Here is the link to info on the REDcard debit/credit card:
Here is the link to info on the Take Charge of Education rewards program:
When you use your REDcard you automatically get 5% off your purchase= FREE money (as long as it's the debit card or you are paying your credit card balance off and not incurring interest). PLUS, you can designate a local school (or I guess any school on the list) to receive 1% donation from your purchases. My daughter's school was on the list so now for everything I buy using my REDcard debit card, I get 5% off and her school gets 1%. [This donation is NOT tax deductible btw]
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE read ANY and ALL information before you sign up for this or any debit or credit card. Read the fine print! See what they say about overdrafts, fees, interest rates etc. Make sure you really want this and it's right for your family. I did my research and found this would be beneficial for us, and that is why I am sharing because maybe it can help save you some money too.
Here is the link to info on the REDcard debit/credit card:
Here is the link to info on the Take Charge of Education rewards program:
Tuesday, August 16, 2011
Birthday Freebies
Thanks to another TheFrugalGirls.com post [really, you might as well just follow their web site or "like" them on facebook now!] I found this awesome list of places who will give you free things/food or discounts on or around your birthday. I'm sure you'll have to join their club which I am sure will mean getting emails from them or occasional mail, but if you really like the company it might be worth it. I also have a designated email account specifically for things like this, so I don't get updates to my personal email account. Then I don't have to sort through all my emails.
You find the list here. If you don't see a company you really like, check their site or inquire at their location for any deals they might offer. Sometimes all you have to do is ask!
You find the list here. If you don't see a company you really like, check their site or inquire at their location for any deals they might offer. Sometimes all you have to do is ask!
Saturday, August 13, 2011
Homemade Febreeze
[Disclaimer: I have not made this myself, but the reviews say it works good. I am not necessarily endorsing, just sharing]
I can take ZERO credit for this money-saving, homemade product but wanted to share it with you (see, I love sharing what I find elsewhere!)
I believe found this recipe first from www.TheFrugalGirls.com (discussed in an earlier blog here) where they have a whole section on homemade products, but I couldn't find it when I went back to give them credit, but either way, I read the recipe from Fake-It Frugal who gave credit to Homemade Mamas. Here is the recipe:
"What You Need:
I can take ZERO credit for this money-saving, homemade product but wanted to share it with you (see, I love sharing what I find elsewhere!)
I believe found this recipe first from www.TheFrugalGirls.com (discussed in an earlier blog here) where they have a whole section on homemade products, but I couldn't find it when I went back to give them credit, but either way, I read the recipe from Fake-It Frugal who gave credit to Homemade Mamas. Here is the recipe:
"What You Need:
- 2 cups warm water
- 1/4 cup liquid fabric softener
- 1 tsp. baking soda
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
For the longest time I fought the idea of an ebook or ereader. I thought nothing could replace having a real book in your hands and turning the pages. I was also hesitant because I didn't want to spend tons of money on books. Most of the time I just borrow books from friends or family or the library. Why would I BUY a product where I constantly have to pay to use it?? For that reason alone I do not own an MP3 player- I also have no use for one.
I really like to read in bed, or at least reclined, so large books make it a bit tiresome on my hands to hold, so over time I thought I'd at least look into a Kindle or a Nook. Yes, all those TV commercials go to me *sigh*. So now, I decided I wanted one. I began to think of all these occasions where an ereader would be great. Then I did my research- Kindle or Nook? I even ventured into the land of techy-blogs and review sites. Both have their advantages depending on what you want. But for me, I wanted an easy-to-use reader that had the best screen and e-ink. Even with the Nook's latest ink upgrade, Kindle's newer upgrade won out. I wanted a Kindle!
So now I was stuck wanting one with no funds for it. I figured with a birthday coming up I would save any money I received and continue saving until I had one. Not only did I want the book, I wanted the cover with the light. I wanted to be able to read outside at night, in the car, or in bed where I wouldn't have to use the lamp that lights up the whole room and I'm sure bothers my husband who is trying to sleep. So I decided to just wait.
Well, my amazing husband used some of the money he had been saving to buy me a KINDLE!! WITH the cover!!! I was sooo surprised!! And man, do I love my Kindle!! My sister owns a Nook and it definitely has some great attributes, but one thing I never took into account was the amount of quality FREE books each ereader offered. I have over 60+ books on my Kindle and have only paid for 3! The Nook does not have the same amount the Kindle has- and for thecheapskate frugal person I am, this was sooooo wonderful!! Having the cover makes it feel like holding a real book. Plus, how fun is it that you can put a "bookmark" on a page you want to stop on and go back to and it digitally folds down the "corner" of your book page!
One feature of the Kindle I have really grown to enjoy is the built-in dictionary. While reading, you can scroll down to any word and the definition pops up. Usually I can get the gist of a word by using the context and keep reading, but sometimes I'd just really like to know what a word is. Quick and easy, I have the definition without ever getting up or leaving my page. I am currently reading a hardcover book and find I miss the dictionary of the Kindle.
I will still read "real" books. I like the feeling of turning the pages and holding the books. I think what's most important though, is that we read...and read and read and read!
I really like to read in bed, or at least reclined, so large books make it a bit tiresome on my hands to hold, so over time I thought I'd at least look into a Kindle or a Nook. Yes, all those TV commercials go to me *sigh*. So now, I decided I wanted one. I began to think of all these occasions where an ereader would be great. Then I did my research- Kindle or Nook? I even ventured into the land of techy-blogs and review sites. Both have their advantages depending on what you want. But for me, I wanted an easy-to-use reader that had the best screen and e-ink. Even with the Nook's latest ink upgrade, Kindle's newer upgrade won out. I wanted a Kindle!
So now I was stuck wanting one with no funds for it. I figured with a birthday coming up I would save any money I received and continue saving until I had one. Not only did I want the book, I wanted the cover with the light. I wanted to be able to read outside at night, in the car, or in bed where I wouldn't have to use the lamp that lights up the whole room and I'm sure bothers my husband who is trying to sleep. So I decided to just wait.
Well, my amazing husband used some of the money he had been saving to buy me a KINDLE!! WITH the cover!!! I was sooo surprised!! And man, do I love my Kindle!! My sister owns a Nook and it definitely has some great attributes, but one thing I never took into account was the amount of quality FREE books each ereader offered. I have over 60+ books on my Kindle and have only paid for 3! The Nook does not have the same amount the Kindle has- and for the
[I'm not sure why in this pic, the person has folded back the other side of the lighted cover, I keep mine open so it feels like a real book]
I will still read "real" books. I like the feeling of turning the pages and holding the books. I think what's most important though, is that we read...and read and read and read!
Saturday, August 6, 2011
I Love Frugal Girls!
Quick post today, I have lots to do, but wanted to pass along this awesome website I am following. My cousin actually told me about it, but it was a while before I actually went to it. Wish I would have gone sooner!
The web site is called The Frugal Girls.com and they are GREAT!! They are constantly posting money-saving coupons, freebies, special deals, free ebooks (which I LOVE for my Kindle- that will be another post though). Of course not every post will be applicable to you, but I have found lots of good coupons, tips and tons of free ebooks. You can also follow them on facebook here. They may post a few things a day, but they are always short and have never seemed to muddle up my news feed aka, it's never annoyed me- esp since I've found a lot of great deals there!
The web site is called The Frugal Girls.com and they are GREAT!! They are constantly posting money-saving coupons, freebies, special deals, free ebooks (which I LOVE for my Kindle- that will be another post though). Of course not every post will be applicable to you, but I have found lots of good coupons, tips and tons of free ebooks. You can also follow them on facebook here. They may post a few things a day, but they are always short and have never seemed to muddle up my news feed aka, it's never annoyed me- esp since I've found a lot of great deals there!
Friday, August 5, 2011
Juicebox "Handles"
I cannot claim credit for this cool trick. I believe I read it in Parents magazine- twice actually. (They actually have a regular article called "It Worked For Me" where parents submit their cool tricks/tips!). Anyone with a small child knows how it is to hand them a full juice box. Even if you've taken a sip so it's not as full, they still squeeze it in an attempt to hold it and end up with juice all over them or wherever they are. A long time ago I came across one of those hard plastic juice box holders and purchased it. It was GREAT, but I read this tip in Parents which is both free and does not require lugging around an extra gadget.
When you look at a juice box, on the sides you will notice the little flaps ("flappies" as they are now called in our house) that are glued down. All you do is pull them up and they are instant handles for kids to hold onto. No matter how hard they pinch those flappies/handles, it won't squirt juice! This is great in the car too as my daughter's car seat has cup holders. It is super easy to get her juice box when she has flaps to hold onto instead of trying to reach down into the cup holder to grab her juice. Just remember to lift the flaps before you insert the straw. Enjoy!
Here is a juice box with the "flappies" up:
When you look at a juice box, on the sides you will notice the little flaps ("flappies" as they are now called in our house) that are glued down. All you do is pull them up and they are instant handles for kids to hold onto. No matter how hard they pinch those flappies/handles, it won't squirt juice! This is great in the car too as my daughter's car seat has cup holders. It is super easy to get her juice box when she has flaps to hold onto instead of trying to reach down into the cup holder to grab her juice. Just remember to lift the flaps before you insert the straw. Enjoy!
Here is a juice box with the "flappies" up:
Thursday, August 4, 2011
Parent Shortcut
This will be a "combo" blog of sorts. I had a few types of posts I wanted to do on this blog, so this will fall into the "time savers", "feeding", and "products I love" categories.
A little background info: With my son I was only able to breastfeed until he was 6 months old. We still don't know why he didn't gain weight. Spent plenty of time with his pediatrician and a lactation consultant, did all we could. Long story short we had to use formula and bottles. When we registered we wanted to switch to a new brand of bottle. We used the Avent bottles with my daughter and didn't like how they leaked and were a bit finicky. So instead we chose the Tommee Tippee brand. Here were my personal requirements for bottles: No special parts- only the bottle, nipple, ring, and lid- but still had to vent air in to prevent that collapsing nipple issue. We are so happy with our choice! Here is my bottle/sippy cup shelf:
Our TT bottles have been GREAT!! We did find that you have to handwash them because of the lip at the neck of the bottle. And before you put the bottle back together, check to see if the vent part is stuck together, sometimes that happens. If so, just pinch it and it will open. That way you don't get the collapsing nipple issue. I also LOVE the formula container/inserts (seen at right in the pic). These drop into the bottle then you put on the nipple/ring/lid. Soo easy to carry around everything all ready to go!
My time saving trick came when I was trying to deal with night feedings and adjusting to 2 kids at once is that I started filling the bottles with the nursery water ahead of time. Then all I had to do was grab a bottle, heat it, add formula and go! Sooo much easier than filling each bottle every time! And don't worry, the bottles don't sit in the cupboard long. I would say 2 days at MOST before it's used. I also rotate forward the bottles so none are left sitting in the back.
I really recommend these bottles!
A little background info: With my son I was only able to breastfeed until he was 6 months old. We still don't know why he didn't gain weight. Spent plenty of time with his pediatrician and a lactation consultant, did all we could. Long story short we had to use formula and bottles. When we registered we wanted to switch to a new brand of bottle. We used the Avent bottles with my daughter and didn't like how they leaked and were a bit finicky. So instead we chose the Tommee Tippee brand. Here were my personal requirements for bottles: No special parts- only the bottle, nipple, ring, and lid- but still had to vent air in to prevent that collapsing nipple issue. We are so happy with our choice! Here is my bottle/sippy cup shelf:
Our TT bottles have been GREAT!! We did find that you have to handwash them because of the lip at the neck of the bottle. And before you put the bottle back together, check to see if the vent part is stuck together, sometimes that happens. If so, just pinch it and it will open. That way you don't get the collapsing nipple issue. I also LOVE the formula container/inserts (seen at right in the pic). These drop into the bottle then you put on the nipple/ring/lid. Soo easy to carry around everything all ready to go!
My time saving trick came when I was trying to deal with night feedings and adjusting to 2 kids at once is that I started filling the bottles with the nursery water ahead of time. Then all I had to do was grab a bottle, heat it, add formula and go! Sooo much easier than filling each bottle every time! And don't worry, the bottles don't sit in the cupboard long. I would say 2 days at MOST before it's used. I also rotate forward the bottles so none are left sitting in the back.
I really recommend these bottles!
Here We Go Again...
Well, this is a new blog for me. I've been thinking about doing it for a long time. I LOVE sharing great ideas, tips, tricks, and money-saving ideas with friends, and I especially love when they share them with me (which is where I get most of mine). I can't begin to guess how much money I've saved or what tricks/ideas have saved me time or frustration over the years. I hope you can find a few of the ideas here useful to you.
Being a mother of two young children, 5 and almost 1, with a working husband and a silly cocker spaniel, my life is wonderful but hectic at times. I'm always trying to stay one step ahead of the game, but that's usually not the case, lol. I try my best to be a Godly wife and mother- but man, I'm really learning what that's supposed to look like but again, doing my best! Trust, I do not even think I am anywhere near the "perfect" anything. I have so much to learn in life. I am blessed to be surrounded by some amazing people who inspire me and support me through that journey :)
I hope you enjoy the blog, and please feel free to share your ideas too!
Being a mother of two young children, 5 and almost 1, with a working husband and a silly cocker spaniel, my life is wonderful but hectic at times. I'm always trying to stay one step ahead of the game, but that's usually not the case, lol. I try my best to be a Godly wife and mother- but man, I'm really learning what that's supposed to look like but again, doing my best! Trust, I do not even think I am anywhere near the "perfect" anything. I have so much to learn in life. I am blessed to be surrounded by some amazing people who inspire me and support me through that journey :)
I hope you enjoy the blog, and please feel free to share your ideas too!
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