Proverbs 1:8 "Listen, my son, to your father’s instruction and do not forsake your mother’s teaching"

Friday, August 5, 2011

Juicebox "Handles"

I cannot claim credit for this cool trick. I believe I read it in Parents magazine- twice actually. (They actually have a regular article called "It Worked For Me" where parents submit their cool tricks/tips!). Anyone with a small child knows how it is to hand them a full juice box. Even if you've taken a sip so it's not as full, they still squeeze it in an attempt to hold it and end up with juice all over them or wherever they are. A long time ago I came across one of those hard plastic juice box holders and purchased it. It was GREAT, but I read this tip in Parents which is both free and does not require lugging around an extra gadget.

When you look at a juice box, on the sides you will notice the little flaps ("flappies" as they are now called in our house) that are glued down. All you do is pull them up and they are instant handles for kids to hold onto. No matter how hard they pinch those flappies/handles, it won't squirt juice! This is great in the car too as my daughter's car seat has cup holders. It is super easy to get her juice box when she has flaps to hold onto instead of trying to reach down into the cup holder to grab her juice. Just remember to lift the flaps before you insert the straw. Enjoy!

Here is a juice box with the "flappies" up:

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